Picking and Packing
Picking and Packing is a part of a more complete supply chain management process, commonly used in retail goods distribution.
The Picking and Packing processes start immediately after receipt of the picking list, where all the details of the goods to be picked up and shipping are shown.
The document is sent to the warehouse, where the requested goods are taken from the position indicated in the list (shelf, shelf, sector, etc.), this is the picking process.
After the workers have checked the material a second time, the product is ready to be packed with the appropriate material that can be supplied by the customer himself or by us.
After the packing procedure the material to be shipped will be ready for weighing and subsequent shipment. With this the packing process ends.

VAT customs warehouses
The only solution able to overcome the negative cash flows caused by the immediate payment of duties and VAT,
indispensable for the importation, storage and distribution of goods, is to use the customs and VAT deposit as they allow to postpone the payment of taxes after the sale rather than, as traditionally occurs, upon arrival, with a consequent great advantage financial statement that is further revealed in respect of goods subject to processing waste, deadlines, long warehouse stocks or destruction or redistribution from Italy to non-EU countries.
Magazzini Linea Docks offers three storage solutions in suspension of taxes and duties:
Customs warehouse: destined to house goods that are typically non-Community and some Community, expressly identified by ad hoc regulations.
Tax warehouse: That is, the plant in which national and Community goods in suspension of excise duty are manufactured, transformed, held, received or sent.
VAT deposit: which is a concession especially for trade in the Community: in fact it is used for the custody of national and Community goods that are not intended for retail sale, suspended from the value added tax.

Storage Controlled Access
The warehousing service of Magazzini Linea Dock is intended for both large-scale distribution but also for smaller areas: from electronic to food.
There are countless products that need to be stored and each of them often has particular needs and needs.
Thanks to years of experience in the logistics sector, we offer warehousing services for public and private companies, intended for companies wishing to save time, resources and money in the management of goods.
The warehouses can be modulated according to the customer's request. In addition to storage and custody, we also offer packaging and complete management of goods. Deposits are safe and constantly monitored thanks to modern security systems.

Micro Logistics
The market is increasingly demanding. From a volume logistics to one logistics made of rapid integrated communication and microflow: this is the logistics of the present and the future, micro logistics.
Today the quality, speed and reliability of the service offered they count as much as the product itself. The business competitive advantage is today focused on both the product and the service. Both manufacturers and distributors need to renew the their supply chain, forgetting much of what they have adopted since now in more traditional models. This is where the Micro Logistics.
Quick delivery times:One of the most obvious advantages of micrologistics is to approach the most possible the product to the customer, minimizing the time of delivery.
Due to the trend imposed by the big players of E-Commerce, fast delivery is no longer an advantage, but an essential service that a company must be able to offer.

Keeping shipping costs low should be a priority key for companies. It is known that high shipping costs they are a strong deterrent to trade. If instead the company has a widespread and efficient distribution structure is able to reduce costs without reducing the level of service.
Better inventory and inventory control:The inventory in the online world is crucial to a good level of service. Product availability must be real-time and reliable. A good stock management software, well interfaced to business systems, it gives the best answer to the problem.
Picking Care:utmost care throughout the handling, packaging and process shipment. p>
We offer a micrologistic service thanks to a structure already tested and working, having implemented an IT system advanced and avant-garde and having the advantage of having personnel expert and with a strong know-how in the field.

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